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Stay Up-To-Date With Our Union

Read recent letters from the President and other Union News Here!

Events for the Union

State of the Union Address


Attention All Union Members,


We need to Fix Tier 2 Pensions for our younger teachers. The system is unfair and the time to act is now. The We Are One Coalition is holding Town Halls across the state. There will be one held in our region (Fairview Heights) on September 25th from 6 to 8 p.m. You will need to register if you can attend. I am attaching the registration link to this message (below). Take a friend. Join IFT President Dan Montgomery's town hall tonight. IFT members will be contacted via telephone for that meeting. Together, we can fix Tier 2 pensions.


Thanks! I really hope others from 1272 will join us for this important cause.



Fix Tier 2 Town Hall - Fairview Heights

Join the We Are One Illinois coalition for a Tier 2 Town Hall! Hear from union members, labor leaders, pension experts, and local elected officials as we discuss the importance of fixing the broken Tier 2 system. Seating is first come, first served, and we strongly encourage an RSVP.



January 2024

December 2023

October 2023

September 2023

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