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We Need You!

Union Shirt

For Our Union to Work, WE NEED YOU!

Our Union can only function with the help and support of our members who volunteer their time to get involved. If you're interested, there are plenty of ways to get involved. Talk to your union representative to get more involved in Local 1272.

Misconceptions of Unions

A union is a group of workers who come together to advance their common interests with collective power. 

A union is NOT an outside organization or a third party; it is a democratic organization run by its members who make decisions and set direction on their own behalf. 

CFT Logo

Why Unionize?

Unions have had an impact on wages, benefits, equality, and workplace protections.  

The average worker in a "Right-to-Work" state earns $6,000 less per year than they would in a free bargaining state.

As the economic distribution favors the rich more and more, unions have become essential for working and middle-class families.

Unions promote "equal pay for equal work." Helping reduce inequalities in the workplace faced by women and people of color.

Union's help proetct members' rights and voices in the workplace.

Union's support the idea of individuals having a say and who serves for them. 

Know Your Weingarten Rights

Definition: Weingarten rights guarantee an employee the right to Union representation during an investigatory interview. These rights, established by the Supreme Court, in 1975 in the case of J'. Weingarten Inc., must be claimed by the employee.

1) Assert your Weingarten Rights
2) Take Notes
3) Answer Questions
4) Debrief Afterwards With Your Union Representative

"If this discussion could in any way lead to my being disciplined or terminated, or affect my personal working conditions, I respectfully request that my union representative, officer, or steward be present at this meeting. Without representation, I choose not to participate in this discussion."

Not A Member?

Please fill out the paperwork here and give it to your building rep to join our community.

Have Questions?
Contact Us At

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