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About Local 1272

Established in 1956, the Cahokia Commonfields Federation of Teachers is the sole bargaining agent for all classroom teachers, guidance counselors, nurses, librarians, social workers, paraprofessionals, organizational sponsors, custodians, maintenance workers, bus aides, security, supply employees, secretaries, and technology staff.

With almost 400 members, we serve three councils: Cahokia Commonfields Federation of Teachers, Service Workers Council, and Secretarial Council.

CFT Logo

We maintain affiliations with the AFT - IFT, AFL - CIO, Southwest Area Council and Southwestern Illinois Central Labor Council.

Our Mission

Empowering members to protect and enhance our collective bargaining agreement with a focus on building solidarity and CFT member identity.

Our History

CFT Charter

Our Beginning

In the 1950s, Cahokia teachers objected to salary raises given to a prized football coach.  The coach told them to start a union.  They did and twenty-five people attended the first meeting.  By 1958, they had grown to 60 members and by 1959, they were 120 strong.  That same year, the CFT successfully struck for better wages, and they worked to elect labor friendly school board members.  

CFT Newspaper

Strong Leadership

From retirees who still pay local dues (including one who marches EVERY year in the Labor Day parade) to our newest members who sign up to serve on committees, it is our collective voice that makes us strong. We are PROUD and TRUE - Local 1272.


We have had exceptional talent and idealism in our union. Four of our members were jailed defending their beliefs and our rights.  We have had not one, but two Southwestern Illinois Central Labor Council Women of the Year from our local.  Several CFT presidents have also served as IFT vice presidents.  CFT President Joe Eble also served labor for forty plus years as a COPE treasurer and as a Southwestern Illinois Central Labor Council officer.  We are the only downstate local who has had one of our presidents advance to the presidency of the Illinois Federation of Teachers.  We are proud to be Ed Geppert's local. 



CFT Members

Representing every voice, the CFT works to bring members together. We have provided trauma training, evaluation training, founded a mentor program for new teachers, and most recently, formed an action committee to engage the membership.  Each year, the CFT hosts union socials for our members and retirees.  

United Together

The Charter for the Cahokia Commonfields Federation of Teachers was signed on May 25, 1956, recognizing Local 1272 officially as part of the American Federation of Teachers.  

CFT Newspaper

The Strike of '75

In October of 1975, the Cahokia teachers made history for their courage and solidarity. The historic strike would end in their favor, the Cahokia school board would collapse, and the man hired to break the union would leave town. 


But first, Cahokia teachers would walk a picket line, ignoring a judges' orders.  They remained steadfast even when 123 arrest warrants were issued.

CFT members were released on $1,000 bond each, but four CFT officers were held in jail without bail: Ed Geppert Jr., Arnold Kinsella, Terrie Osia, and LeRoy Triefenbach. Members of local communities and other unions rallied behind the striking teachers. The union was fined $4,000 plus $1,000 for every continued day of striking. 


The 375 teachers and 5 nurses kept pushing for 6 and 9 percent wage increases respectively, better pensions and medical plans, and smaller class sizes.


Despite facing heavy anti-strike measures and 27 days on the picket lines, the CFT triumphed, ratifying a two-year contract with the School Board.  It is because of the sacrifice and solidarity of locals like 1272 that teachers today have the right to strike.

CFT Members

Supporting  Labor

Local 1272 is dedicated to defending and advancing the rights of workers. We proudly march every year in the Labor Day parade. We are part of the Southwest Area Council, the Illinois Federation of Teachers and the American Federation of Teachers. We send delegates to state and national conventions to make our voices heard. Our members have lobbied for fair pensions, smaller class sizes, safe working conditions, and better wages.  

Empowering Members

joe Eble
Leslie Harder
john sykes
Dan Randy Mary and Leslie
2018 IFT Trauma Training
cft action

Giving Back to Our Community

The Cahokia Federation of Teachers is proud to sponsor the Daisy Kennedy/Charles Prindable Memorial Scholarship each year to a deserving senior(s).  The CFT strives to give back to the community we serve.  Past efforts have included fundraisers benefiting the Cahokia pool, donations to the Cahokia Food Pantry, volunteering at registration events, and donations to the Cahokia Library.  To learn more about the history of our scholarship and the amazing unionists which it is named for, please visit our archive.

CFT Members
action 2.

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